Thursday, December 2, 2010

"Writing is like French kissing..."

When I saw Ted Dekker at The Gathering last spring, he said that he once gave a whole presentation on how writing is like French kissing. I'd really like to know how he came to make that connection! I think we writers think differently from the rest of the world. How do I know this? The other day, I was walking with a friend from Hessler to the science building, when we heard this weird noise.
"What's that noise?" my friend asked.
"I don't know. It sounds kind of mechanical," I answered.
"What is that?" he asked again.
"This is the part in the movie where a giant robot comes and steps on us," I replied.
My friend burst out laughing.
My response had made perfect sense to me. While my friend had been trying to figure out what the noise was, my overactive imagination had been thinking of all the things it possibly could have been and had decided that if we were in an action or horror movie, while we were innocently trying to figure out what the source of the sound was, the giant robot that was making the noise would have come up behind us and crushed us.
But my overly creative brain does more than just provide entertainment for my friends. It helped me win a story contest last year, and I got some books as a prize. Here's the story if anyone cares to read it.


  1. "I really like this because it is so true! I often find myself narrating my life." she typed quickly, listening the the conversation about pokemon in the back right corner of the room.

  2. I most definitely want to read your story! I love reading other people's works, and your blog has intrigued me.

  3. I'm starting to feel bad because everyone is writing more than me, lol! I liked your blog! Keep it up!

  4. lol, writing comes second to studying in college... for me at least. I love your sense of fun in all your posts. Thanks for the YouTube link. I'm listening to it and it makes me happy. Broadway doesn't usually do that (crucify me now Millikin-theater-fiends.) Such fun. I will have to do a post of fun links soon. You've inspired me!
