Sunday, May 1, 2011

My Review of "The Priest's Graveyard"

The Priest’s Graveyard has touched me in a way few books have. It has reminded me why I want to be a writer. I don’t feel this way just because of the story’s vivid characters, intense plot, and surprising twists that only Dekker can create. And it’s also not just because I found myself laughing out loud at spots and choking back tears at others. And it’s not just the dark edge to the story that kept me on the edge of my seat. What got me most about this book was the story itself. I really feel like I went on a journey with these characters, and I lived the story myself. This book changed my perspective of the world; I can’t look at myself or others in the same way I used to.  It’s hard to believe I can learn so much truth from a fictional story, but this book has opened my eyes. I can’t explain how, but this book got under my skin and stayed there. I would highly recommend it to anyone!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Monday, April 4, 2011

The Priest's Graveyard

Check out this trailer for Ted Dekker's newest book, The Priest's Graveyard, that comes out later this month!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Dekker Mania!

Me? Obsessed? No, I haven't read that one yet.

Monday, March 28, 2011


I will admit, lately I have been a bad writer. The only reason I created this blog was because I had to for my English class. But today I have been reminded about why I write. On facebook, my favorite author, Ted Dekker, created a page for people participating in a promotion he is having for his newest novel, The Priest's Graveyard. Out of that page, several new groups of Dekker fans--a.k.a. "Dekkies"--were born. In just the last few days, these groups have become like new families with everyone getting to know and encouraging each other. And it's all because we share a common interest (or should I say obsession?): Ted Dekker. But seeing everyone in our "Forrest Guard" families encouraging each other's writing and raving over the same books has inspired me to start up this blog again. I don't know if anyone will ever read it, but that's not the point. The point is just to write for the heck of it because I can. Because I'm a writer. Thanks, Dekkies! You inspire me!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

If life were a novel

I can't think of anything English major-y to write. You'd think this would be easy for a creative writing major like me! But alas, my creative juices are running low today, and I have nothing interesting to say.

If my life was like one of the stories I like to read, this blog would be a lot more exciting. If it was a science fiction novel, I would be sitting here deciding what to write, and then all at once an alien spaceship would appear outside my window, and aliens would come out and tell me that they have travelled back in time to protect me because the whole future of the universe depends on me, and the evil aliens are going to come back in time and try to destroy me. It would probably look something like this:

Or, if my life were like one of the Christian horror stories by Ted Dekker I like to read, I wouldn't be typing this on a blog, I would be writing it out in one of the Books of History that make everything written in them come true. Then, I would probably unintentionally bring evil into the world, and Marsuvees Black would wreck havoc on Millikin, like this:

Or if my life was like a soap opera, a random stranger would discover this blog, see my picture on it, and realize that he was my long lost father. He would come find me and explain to me that I was kidnapped at birth after the doctor in the hospital turned out to really be my birth mother's crazy ex-husband looking for revenge. Then he would ask me to come back with him to Alaska to live with him and his new wife who is my birth mother's long lost twin sister that he married when my mother fell off a cliff to her death (but he doesn't know that she didn't really die; she is living with the hobo who lives downstream that rescued her when she fell from the cliff). It might look a little like this:

Anyway, if you couldn't tell, I'm tired today, so my mind is all over the place. But things would definitely be interesting if real life was like the books/movies/television shows I'd like to write someday. We writers put our characters through a lot!

some other random stuff: in case you want to check out Ted Dekker sometime! These are really funny bad translations from different languages to English. (It sort of connects to being an english major because it's in English, right?)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

"Writing is like French kissing..."

When I saw Ted Dekker at The Gathering last spring, he said that he once gave a whole presentation on how writing is like French kissing. I'd really like to know how he came to make that connection! I think we writers think differently from the rest of the world. How do I know this? The other day, I was walking with a friend from Hessler to the science building, when we heard this weird noise.
"What's that noise?" my friend asked.
"I don't know. It sounds kind of mechanical," I answered.
"What is that?" he asked again.
"This is the part in the movie where a giant robot comes and steps on us," I replied.
My friend burst out laughing.
My response had made perfect sense to me. While my friend had been trying to figure out what the noise was, my overactive imagination had been thinking of all the things it possibly could have been and had decided that if we were in an action or horror movie, while we were innocently trying to figure out what the source of the sound was, the giant robot that was making the noise would have come up behind us and crushed us.
But my overly creative brain does more than just provide entertainment for my friends. It helped me win a story contest last year, and I got some books as a prize. Here's the story if anyone cares to read it.