Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Dekker Mania!

Me? Obsessed? No, I haven't read that one yet.

Monday, March 28, 2011


I will admit, lately I have been a bad writer. The only reason I created this blog was because I had to for my English class. But today I have been reminded about why I write. On facebook, my favorite author, Ted Dekker, created a page for people participating in a promotion he is having for his newest novel, The Priest's Graveyard. Out of that page, several new groups of Dekker fans--a.k.a. "Dekkies"--were born. In just the last few days, these groups have become like new families with everyone getting to know and encouraging each other. And it's all because we share a common interest (or should I say obsession?): Ted Dekker. But seeing everyone in our "Forrest Guard" families encouraging each other's writing and raving over the same books has inspired me to start up this blog again. I don't know if anyone will ever read it, but that's not the point. The point is just to write for the heck of it because I can. Because I'm a writer. Thanks, Dekkies! You inspire me!